
Your Season Will Come

Your season will come…

I speak to you from my heart — not from things I’ve read in a book, but from things I’ve experienced — blood, sweat, tears and faith.

You see, back in 2003 when I was being initiated into the Ifa spiritual tradition — my spiritual godfather, Aseda — the elder in this picture, told me I would write a book one day.

Well, 2003 was 15 years ago. To most people, 15 years is a long time, but to the Spirit world, 15 years is no time at all — it’s not even the blink of an eye.

As you know, my book Meditations Across The King’s River will be published in December. I’m excited about the book and all the spiritual lessons and affirmations I’ll be sharing with you.

In order for me to write a powerful book, I had to have certain experiences. Most of these experiences did not happen overnight. They happened over a long period of time. Spiritual growth is not a race.

Time worked in my favor.

And guess what? I believe time can work in your favor too.

Our society sends us a dangerous message 24/7. It makes us think that everything we aspire to achieve should happen right away, and if it doesn’t happen right away, then something must be wrong with our vision or with us.

Well, that’s a lie, and you shouldn’t fall for it…

Your season will come when it’s meant to come. Just like you can’t plant tomatoes in the winter and expect them to grow in the snow, every vision Spirit gives us must bloom in the right season.

It’s spiritual law, my friend, not man’s law…

Every house needs a strong foundation. Every vision needs a strong foundation too. Your ancestors are trying to lay a strong foundation for you.

And they will also ensure you have all the experience you need. It’s a process — not an overnight job.

Our challenge is to step back and look at our lives from a larger perspective — God’s perspective. Trust the process; continue to have faith despite all the challenges you’ve been facing.

Enjoy the journey and see where it leads.

Until next time.  Talk soon!

James Weeks

Producer, Across The King’s River

Believe in yourself…

Believe in yourself…10426237_10152422696148414_4115888607042389615_n

That’s all the ancestors are asking of you. That’s all that the universe demands!

I know! It’s easier said than done.

Yet, this is the challenge before us. This is where the work begins. This is not a battle you can afford to lose.

There’s simply too much at stake…

The outside world wages a systematic campaign every single day to chip away at your self-confidence and to keep you in your place.

That’s what marketing, advertising and the media are all about, crafting messages that create false needs and false fears!

You’ve got to take your power back!

This Holiday Season, as we begin the countdown toward 2015, take time out to get in touch with your Spirit again.

And nurture that Spirit!

Be clear about what you really feel, what you really think, what you really need, what you truly love, who you truly love!

Believe that you can turn your life around…

And believe that Spirit will lead you in the direction that’s truly best for you!

May the ancestors bless you from the north, the south, the east and the west!.


James Weeks

No Magic Bullet

One Yoruba proverb says it all…

“Patience is the father of character.” Yet of all spiritual challenges patience ranks high as one of the toughest to master.

What do you say?

Does it feel like the universe is working your very last nerves? Have you been feeling this way for years?

Well, welcome to the club…

For me, the frustration has been around my film. Delays with funding via investors and delays with other fundraising goals that are often beyond my control.

But here’s the thing…

I’m going through what I’m going through for a reason – and it’s a good one. And like it or not, I can assure you that you’re going through what you’re going through for a reason – and it’s a good one.

The soul loves a good challenge, a good fight, a worthy opponent…

Here’s the deal. Frustration is part of the spiritual journey. Granted, I know we don’t like to hear that.

But it’s true.

If things go the way you want them to go without a fight you would be easily bored. There would be no opportunity for spiritual growth. No real sense of achievement. No real way to develop faith or character.

At least, that’s the way we see it in Ifa. Challenges/adversity – are what makes life interesting. There MUST be some hurdle to overcome for the evolution of your soul and for the development for character.

O.K. Maybe your current life lesson isn’t patience. Maybe at the moment you’re meant to learn other lessons: self-love, for example, or forgiveness, or unconditional love, or how to stand up for yourself.

No one gets through life without a lesson…

Keep this in mind as you go through your challenges. Remember that this is a test and that you’re on a worthy spiritual mission. So, instead of dwelling on your frustrations, reflect on the spiritual lessons that your challenges seem to be teaching you.

There is no magic bullet…

There’s no magic escape route…

You are meant to experience what you’re going through, so you might as well adopt a more spiritual approach.

The Yorubas are right. Patience is the key! There can be no wisdom without it.


James Weeks
Producer, Across The King’s River

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Connecting to Ancestral Energy

If we know how to connect with our ancestors all of our problems will be solved, says Dr. Fui-Bunseki, a prominent African scholar. “The ancestors are not dead. They are not gone. Their energy is around you. We are constantly being bombarded by that energy. We can listen to it, and we can call upon it.”

Born in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Dr. Fui-Bunseki is the author of numerous books and articles including: Kongo Cosmology, Kumina: A Kongo-based Tradition In The New World, Kindezi: The Kongo Art of Babysitting, and Self-Healing Power and Therapy, Old Teachings From Africa.

I first became aware of Dr. Fui-Bunseki through two great books by historian, Robert Farris Thompson: Flash of the Spirit, and Tango: the Art History of Love. Dr. Bunseki was one of many scholars cited by Thompson in these works.

The You-Tube clip of Bunseki was produced by the Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Insitute (The entire nine-part lecture can be viewed on line).

Bunseki’s comment about us being constantly bombarded by ancestral energy is consistent with what I’ve heard many mediums say…

That the realm of the ancestors is around us and our loved ones in Spirit attempt to reach us in many ways: dreams, inspiration, memories are common methods of ancestor communication but there really is no limitation.

A sparrow circling in the, a flickering lightbulb, a familiar fragrance could all be signs that your ancestors are near.

My first profound experience with the Egun (ancestors) occurred more than 10 years ago when my grandmother visited me in San Francisco, even though she was buried in St. Croix, Virgin Islands. (I wrote about that experience with Grandma on my other website and you can read about it here.)

As I’ve grown spiritually over the years, I’ve learned that our ancestors can use anything or anyone to get a message through to us; the more you pay attention, the more you’ll start to recognize signs and symbols that your loved ones are around. There is no “right way” to connect with the ancestors. They are aware of your needs, thoughts and prayers.

The Egun (ancestors) will guide you once you take the time to listen. But listening is not enough you must trust. And trust is not enough you must act.

Most of all, know that you are eternal. “You are not of today,” says Bunseki. “You are not of yesterday. You are not of 100 years ago. You are the living, divine energy that has existed since the beginning of time.”



Shift Your Awareness

Searching for peace? Happiness? More fulfillment? Well, instead of stressing out about things (or people) beyond your control, ask yourself these questions: “How can I empower myself today? How can I empower or serve others?”

These questions are important because they shift your awareness by directing spiritual power, energy and responsibility back to YOU where they rightfully belong. Too often we give our power away by fuming about how we’ve been wronged by others or how unsupportive others have been.

I’ve had to learn these lessons too. My journey toward the film, Across The King’s River, has been one of peaks and valleys, ups and downs. If I created a list to keep track of the many people that have let me down along the way, the list would be long – and I would be a miserable man.

But I’ve learned to reclaim my power and you can too.

And the more you reclaim your power, well, the more powerful you become. Know that not everyone will see the value in who you are and what you have to offer. Give the best of yourself to those who value you the most. Find out who you can help or encourage today and reach out to them.

Rediscover your source of power; cultivate it; share it!
