
Are You Taking Your Medicine?

Are you taking your medicine? 1533771_10151810935708414_539433341_n

No! Not Western medicine! African ritual medicine!

As a professional Ifa diviner based in Oakland, California, I sometimes struggle when it comes time to explain the importance of ritual (ebo) to both new and old clients.

Luckily, my Yoruba friend, Olushola, recently helped me out.

“Just tell them that it’s like going to the doctor and getting medicine,” he said.

I love that analogy because it’s simple…

But in reality it’s way more complex than that, as anyone in the orisa community will tell you.

For starters, in most cases you’re not actually ingesting ritual medicine. Secondly, in many African traditions, you don’t have to be physically present when ritual work is being done.

In the Yoruba tradition, you’ll know if you need “ebo” because it will be revealed during a divination session with a trained Ifa priest/diviner.

Besides health issues, here are other common reasons for why ritual might be needed:

1. Help with financial issues.
2. Help with relationship issues.
3. Ward off spiritual attacks from enemies.
4. For optimum emotional and physical health.
5. To fight witchcraft or sorcery.

Are you in need of some kind of ritual medicine now?

Based on what I know about life and the work that I do with my elders, I have to say yes.


Because 1. There are things that are going on in your life right now that you are not aware of but should be addressed spiritually. 2. Because it’s a mistake to assume that things are well just because all seems well now. 3. Because ritual can give you the spiritual and competitive advantage you need to move forward in life.

In some cases, ritual (ebo) is a matter of life vs death…

Don’t assume that tomorrow will be like today! It’s important to pay attention to things that you cannot see and address them spiritually, if necessary.

I shudder to think what my life would look like without the help of my elders and all the powerful rituals that have been done on behalf of my family over the years.

I know one thing! It wouldn’t look pretty!

In Nigeria, ritual work can go on for days or even weeks. The elders I work closely with in Ile Ife, Nigeria spend an average of 2 to 3 weeks working on a ritual. It’s a team effort. As many as 5-7 Ifa priests might work together just to complete one ritual for a client. And they might spend 4 to 5 hours a day working on the ritual.

“Ise t’o l’agbara,” (it’s hard work, they say)

How long does it take to see results or changes? It varies. Sometimes you’ll notice the effects right away, but in other cases it can take weeks, or even months, so it’s hella important to be patient.

Also, some situations might call for more than one ritual treatment, (just like a medical patient might need to have more than one surgery or might require ongoing physical or emotional therapy over a period of time.)

What experiences have you had with indigenous rituals or African rituals? I would love to hear about them so be sure to leave a comment.

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James Weeks/Producer, Across The King’s River

Embracing Your Truth

The message I delivered wasn’t the message she wanted to hear…

Vodun Ceremony in Benin (Photographer Unknown)

Vodun Ceremony in Benin
(Photographer Unknown)

She didn’t think it was “spiritual” enough, and she couldn’t understand why I was asking her questions in the divination session.

As for the ritual ebo for her health that Ifa prescribed?

Well, the client said she could tell right away that I was I was trying to “sell” her something that she “really didn’t need”, and furthermore, she could do rituals on her own by just following her intuition.

And so the reading ended. In all probability, I’ll never hear from this client again. Nor do I really want to.

My experience with her made me think of something, my mentor, the late Dr. Afolabi Epega, told me years ago when I was a student diviner.

Many people don’t come to a divination session/spiritual reading prepared to listen. “They want to hear, what they want to hear.” And if they don’t hear what they want to hear, they will discard whatever Spirit has to say.

Though the attitude of this client was pissed me off, it was a great lesson for me on letting go…

Our job as diviners is not to please the client, but to deliver the messages that Ifa says to deliver. Whether the client accepts it or not is their business.

Here are some things to keep in mind if you’re thinking of booking an Ifa divination session:

1. We Are Only Messengers: We have no control over the messages. We give what we get. Ifa often speaks of the past, the present, or the future. Some aspects of the reading might not make sense to you at the time of the consultation but it might make sense later.

2. It’s A Two-Way Street: A divination session/spiritual reading is a dialogue. That means it’s a two-way street. We expect you to ask questions, and we may ask questions of you to get further insight to guide you correctly. If you don’t want to talk about what’s going on in your life, you’re wasting our time and your time.

3. Ritual Ebo Is Important: In Ifa, a ritual (ebo) may be prescribed during or after divination for a number of reasons: health, protection, business success, relationships, etc. If a reading calls for an ebo to be done, we are obligated to tell you, and it’s in your best interest to do it, even if you have to struggle to come up with the funds.

4. Embrace The Truth: As my mentor, Baba Epega told me. “The truth is always the truth. It never changes and it never dies.” Be prepared to deal with the truth. It’s not easy, but in the end it will liberate you.”

As always, I welcome comments. Leave a comment and let me know what you think!

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James Weeks/Producer Across The King’s River

Are You Tuned In?

waterIntuition isn’t about what you think. And it’s definitely not about what others think…

It’s about what you feel. It’s about the guidance that comes from within; it’s about the quiet conviction of knowing what’s right for you!

If you’re not in touch with what you feel, you’re lost…

And when you’re lost you’ll keep making the same mistakes over and over again. You’ll turn left, when you should turn right. You’ll stop when you should keep going. You’ll say no when you should say yes. You’ll be silent when you should speak up.

Intuition is your God-given guidance system. The ancestors and the orisas speak through your intuition. The million dollar question is: Are you even listening?

Here are some simple tips to enhance your intuitive abilities.

Slow Down: Although intuition is God-given, you must cultivate it if you want it to grow. Make it a priority, by taking time out of each day to sit in silence, prayer, or meditation. Keep it simple. In the beginning – five to ten minutes a day is plenty.

Spend More Time In Nature: African spiritual traditions revolve around nature for a reason. Nature is our home; nature does not pretend. The vibration of nature forces you to slow down and listen to things that you might have been repressing or things that you might be in denial about.

Nurture Yourself: Are you getting enough sleep? Are you exercising? Are you eating well? You can’t have a clear channel to your intuition if you’re not taking care of yourself? It has been said that your body is a temple. Take care of your outer temple if you’re serious about accessing your inner temple.

Be Open: Be open to how you receive intuitive messages. You are unique instrument of the divine. Some receive messages via dreams, others through visions, or feelings, or an inner sense of knowing. Some folks hear messages. Once you become clear about how you’re receiving messages, focus on that method while you work to develop all your senses. Develop your five senses and you’ll discover your sixth sense.”

By opening the door to your intuition, you open the door to infinite wisdom. You also open the door to more fulfillment – and, who knows. More prosperity! Keep that door open! Important messages are coming through.

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James Weeks
Producer, Across The King’s River

Driven by Numbers, Patterns and The Divine

His passion for mathematics began early in life…

Sangodare Brown

Sangodare Brown

Sangodare Brown was six years-old, in the first grade, and his father had just introduced him to multiplication tables.

But he was hungry to learn more.

So when Sangodare found out his older sister, Philippa, was studying high school algebra he wanted to learn it too.

Then, in the second grade, when his brother was given the high school assignment of memorizing the names of all 38 U.S. presidents, little Sangodare took on that challenge as well.

Even now, at 43, Sangodare’s quest for knowledge has no end…

Not only does he have B.A. degrees in both mathematics and computer science, he’s a scholar of comparative religion, a numerologist, an astrologist and an initiated Ifa priest.

And he’s modest too…

I was impressed when I learned that this brother once worked as a software engineer for NASA’s Space Shuttle Program. That’s right — his team was responsible for making sure that the mechanical arm and the display panels on the space shuttle worked properly.

But Sangodare tends to downplay that achievement…

NASA was a stepping stone, he says, but it wasn’t his life’s purpose. His life’s purpose, he insists, is to show the link between science, math and spirituality.

And he goes to great lengths to try to pull this off…

Though Sangodare lives and works as a math teacher in Egypt, his research has also taken him to China, Italy, Senegal, France, Great Britain, Sudan, Turkey, India, Greece, Belgium, Spain, Thailand, Singapore, Cape Verde, Vatican City and Nigeria.

Where some might only be able to see architecture or where some might only be able to see religion, Sangodare sees flashes of numbers and patterns and weaves everything together in thought provoking ways.

Here’s what he had to say in our recent interview:

How Math Is Related to Spirituality

“When you’re dealing with spirituality you’re dealing with unseen forces. The principles that govern mathematics are the same principles that govern the unknown. Math is one of the keys that will enable you to go beneath the surface. It’s always there but it enables you to see what’s there. Most people have no clue about what’s there. Mathematics is the key to everything we know of in existence. It’s the language of how everything in the universe communicates with each other. When we are solving math problems, we must learn how to balance equations, positive and negative numbers. In spirituality, we must learn how to balance positive and negative forces inside ourselves.”

Why Passion Is The Key

“If you don’t have a passion for something, you’re not going to love doing it. That’s why people start to hate their jobs. That’s why they get fired – it’s because they are not on the road to fulfilling their destiny. They have not stepped into their purpose. I know individuals who go to school and get a degree in something, not because they love it, but because they think they will make more money. Don’t worry about the money. Do what you want to do. Do what makes you happy.”

The Biggest Misconception About African Spirituality

“The biggest misconception is that it’s demonic or that they don’t believe in one God, But If you study the oldest versions of Christianity, you can see the connection between African spirituality and the traditional Western religions. Even people who study ancient Egyptian culture and history are not comfortable around indigenous African spirituality. It’s a tragedy that we’ve been conditioned not to love our own.”

What Drives Sangodare Brown

“I’m driven by the esoteric, by cosmology. I’m driven by religion and philosophy, but at the same time I see numbers and patterns and I connect the dots.”

What To Expect In A Reading

“A reading should confirm what you already know. Then, we can expand that reading and we can look into the future to see what type of energy is governing your future and offset any pitfalls that we see might be coming your way. At the same time, there are things that we can do to enhance that which is positive.”

How To Contact Sangodare For A Reading

Sangodare Brown can be contacted at: 281-973-6666 or by email at cbrown@ganphilosophy.com

By James Weeks/Producer, Across The King’s River

The Confident Diviner

1002121_10151441382168414_1325872812_nThe question came to me from a student diviner earlier this week.

“When did you begin to realize that the orisas were communicating with you through divination?”

He asked the question because he was struggling with something many diviners struggle with – self doubt.

I wished more diviners would open up because the battle with self-doubt isn’t limited to student diviners. Many seasoned diviners struggle with it too.

And the issue of self-doubt goes beyond diviners in the orisa community…

Aspiring mediums and tarot readers battle with self-doubt too! And it goes even further. Most of the clients that come for readings struggle with issues of self-doubt and/or low self-esteem.

Self doubt is the human condition and it’s holding you back in many ways, preventing you from reaching your full potential, the greatness that is yours to achieve on earth!!

But here’s the advice I gave to my fellow diviner..

Whether you divine with obi, opele and ikin, it all comes down to consistent study, practice and experience. I recommend daily practice, and if you do it long enough you’ll get to the point where you see patterns emerge – patterns that tell powerful stories.

It’s also important to realize that you’re not the one doing the reading. Ifa, the orisas are doing it; you’re merely the messenger. Your focus should be on the orisas and the egun (ancestors), not on yourself. It’s not about you; it’s about the message.

Self doubt creeps in when you focus too much on yourself instead of the orisas.

So keep your ego out of it. Say what you see, hear and feel, even if it doesn’t make sense to the client right now. It might make sense to the client later. Sometimes days later, weeks later, months later, or even years later.

You see, once you invoke the ancestors and the orisas and you work from a place of integrity and compassion, you have to trust that everything that comes through in the divination is relevant to the client even if you’re not sure how. Your job is to step out of the way.

And what’s my advice to those who battle with self-doubt but are not training to be diviners?

Trust your intuition, your feelings, your dreams, your heart. Know that the Spirit World is always attempting to communicate with you, to guide you. You are not only connected to Spirit, you are Spirit yourself. Make time each day to sit in silence to get in touch with your inner world. Don’t over-think the subtle messages that come to you; allow them to flow freely.

And trust, trust trust…You can’t be a vessel for Spirit unless you learn to trust!!


James Weeks
Producer/Across The King’s River